Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What is the meaning of share value maximization?

The shareholder value represents the interest of stakeholders in a business. Shareholders experiences or seems to see an increase in the value of their shares through dividends or gains at stock exchange. Share value maximization is one of the principles used by management to prioritize the interests of shareholders through projects that will increase profits and ultimately the share dividends. Stock price maximization involves adoption of low cost and efficient processes so as to manufacture goods and services of high quality at the lowest cost possible.Thus, by adopting new technology to produce required goods and services by consumers, is beneficial to the society both in the short and long term basis. In addition, it facilitates courteous and efficient services as well as adequate stocks of merchandise (Kellison, 1991). Discuss the time value of money concept. What is discounting and how is it related to compounding? What is compounding? Explain why earning interest on interest i s called compound interest?Time value of money is concept used in financial management to compare alternatives in investment as well as solving problems that involve mortgages, savings, loans, annuities, and leases. Time value of value of money is based on the idea that the amount of money one holds today is worth more than the expectation that he/she the same amount in future. The currently held money has high value in future as it can be invested and earn interest after some time.Discounting involves calculating or converting specific future amount/value of money at certain discount rate to establish its present value. Thus, a person is able to make judgment on whether to invest such amount of money and reap rewards in future. On the other hand, compounding refers to adding interest earned to the principal amount so that it can go on earning higher interests in its own right. The reason that initial interest earns additional interest i. e. compounded is why it is called compound i nterest (Kellison, 1991).Explain the following statement: While the balance sheet can be thought of as a snapshot of the firm’s financial position as of a point in time, the income statements reports on operations over a period of time? The balance sheet shows the financial position of an enterprise in terms of net assets, capital (stockholder’s or owner’s equity), and liabilities as at the end of a specific fiscal period. At any moment in time, assets are equal to the owner’s equity plus liabilities. Liabilities represent creditor’s claims against the assets of an enterprise.Thus, a balance sheet facilitates a business owner to quickly assess the financial capability and of his/her business. Income statement shows all the business transactions in terms of sales and purchases made, revenue collected, and expenses incurred in given period of time. Therefore, the primary use of income statements is to testify if a company is making profit or loss for a given period of time to the shareholders or potential investors (Frank, 2004). Why is it sometimes misleading to compare a company’s financial ratios with those of other firms that operate in the same industry?First, it is in doubt that different companies apply or use different accounting policies to govern their financial operations. Therefore, a specific accounting policy applied by a certain company may not be similar to another’s policy. For instance, a company may apply accrual basis concept whereas another doest not recognize accruals until they are paid. Secondly, companies operate differently in terms of business activity and management for instance, companies may be in the same industrial sector but they engage in different activities such as production of raw materials and processing.In such a case a production company may be affected by adverse conditions like weather whereas the other is favored by industrial-processing subsidies offered by the governme nt which translates to healthier financial ratios. In addition, some financial managers of certain companies are unscrupulous and such individuals can calculate unprofessionally to lure potential investors. Proper comparison can only be achieved if there are established industrial standards within which all companies can draft their financial ratios (Ibid, 2004).

A Detailed Lesson Plan-Developmental Reading Essay

I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: a. Define reading b. Enumerate the types of reading c. Specify the purposes of reading d. Demonstrate the proper postures in oral reading II. Subject Matter Developmental Reading I References: 1. Developmental Reading I, Dr. Edisteo B. Bernardez Page 4-5 2. Developmental Reading, Dr. Angelita Romero Dr. Rene Romero III. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, video clips and pictures IV. Procedure: 1. The teacher will assign a student to read a selection. 2. Discussion of the subject A. Definition of reading B. Enumeration of the types of reading C. Specify the purposes of reading D. Demonstration of the proper postures in oral reading V. Application After the discussion, the teacher will give students oral reading activity. VI. Evaluation The teacher will ask his/her students to read a selection and check the students’ if they observed the proper oral reading postures. Rubric Criteria Proper standing position Connection with audience 4- Outstanding 3- Very Satisfactory 2- Fair 1- Needs improvement VII. Assignment VIII. Reference: Landy, Joseph V. Insight A Study of a Short Story. Metro Manila: National Bookstore, Inc. 1983 Purpura, Jeanne F. Runaways for English, Quezon City: JFC Publishing House, Inc. 2006 www. Mario Salamat II Importance of Lesson Plan By adasyuhada | March 2011 Lesson plan prepares a lot of importance and benefit to the teachers and learners. Hence, here there are following importance that included in lesson plan. First, lesson plan shows the importance in teacher parts. Mostly, teachers use the lesson plan as their guide to teach the same subject or topic for a presentation. As a result, it keeps them on track to accomplish the objectives. For instance, teachers must do arrangement the contents in logically order to make lesson go in sequence. In addition, to be lesson plan is well organized, usually the teachers will do early preparation the lesson plan to make it smooth running of the lesson. As example, teachers should prepared all equipments is needed in their teaching. Examples of  equipment are computer, projector, handouts or white board and marker pen. Without all these things absolutely the teaching is not takes placed. Besides that, lesson plan produced an effective teaching. It shows the effectiveness in teaching when it provides benefit to both sides such as teacher and learner. For example, the learners will more easily understand the teaching. From that, it promotes high level of confidence between teachers and learners. Furthermore, lesson plan is possible introduction of education technology. As we can see nowadays, most the teaching session will used the materials based on technology products. This can proved that educational level is developing towards the world. In addition, lesson plan also provides the room to teacher for evaluation and assessment for their teaching. LESSON PLANNING BY HARRY DOODS AND LORNA SMITH This deals with the absolute bare bones of planning. For a fuller picture, please also look at the related articles, ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy’, ‘Starters and Plenaries’, ‘What makes an effective lesson?’, and ‘Assessment’ – but read this first. Writing your first lessons plans will take you a long time. Don’t despair – this will become quicker and easier as you begin to internalise all the information and skills that lie beneath a good plan. Why is a lesson plan important? Because it: †¢provides you with a structured ‘route’ through your lesson so that you can be sure of meeting your lesson objective(s). †¢gives you a secure base from which you can project to your class the impression that you are organised and that you know what you are doing. (That is one of the important elements of effective behaviour management.) †¢provides you, your mentor, your tutors and colleagues with insights into the way you are approaching your teaching, and shows that you are helping your pupils make progress. †¢offers (over a number of lessons) evidence that you are addressing the requirements of almost every Standard other than Q17. What is a lesson plan? It’s a simple statement of: †¢what your pupils are going to learn †¢how you intend them to learn it †¢how you will know that the learning has taken place. How do I write a lesson plan? Stage 1 The starting point for any lesson plan must be, ‘What do I want pupils to learn?’ If you begin by answering that question, and call your answer a ‘Learning Objective’, then your planning will stay focused. If you look at the ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy’ resource, you will find some active verbs that might help you identify the Learning Objective and build sequences of learning. Unless it is a ‘one off’ lesson, the Learning Objective will usually come from a Medium Term Plan, or Scheme/Unit of Work – either one that you have prepared yourself, or one prepared by your school. Stage 2 Your course documents will include a standard proforma for writing lesson plans. Your school will have its own version, not necessarily the same. (Your university will provide guidance on which proformas to use and when.) A lesson plan will usually contain these elements: 1.A context. Indicate where the lesson fits into the Medium Term Plan / Scheme of Work or Programme of Study. Use references to the National Curriculum – e.g. EN3 1b – and / or Assessment Objectives drawn from exam specifications. 2.A statement both of success criteria and of the means by which you will assess the success of the lesson – what learning has taken place, and how effectively. Make these explicit to the class, probably early in the lesson. 3.An outline of your proposed activities, with an approximation of timings. Anticipate likely difficulties here, and record not just what you will do, but how you will do it. For example, if you want pupils to move to the front of the classroom, think how you will manage the movement so you don’t provoke a single mad rush of thirty bodies. ‘Pupils move to the front in threes and fours and sit where directed’ would do. It is crucial to remember that the proposed activities should always lead the pupils in the direction of the Learning Objective: you must be clear about  WHY each activity is a necessary element of the lesson (and your university may ask you to justify the learning outcome of each activity on your plan). In other words, however engaging or fun your idea is, if it doesn’t contribute toward the end goal, don’t do it! (File away your idea for another time†¦) At this point in your planning, be specific about: †¢how you will begin and end the lesson †¢how you will group pupils †¢how you will manage transitions between activities and separate phases of the lesson. 4.Statements of individual pupils’ specific learning needs, determined with reference to IEPs, EAL, SEN, G & T, learning and / or behaviour targets, or other requirements, and of how you propose to meet those needs. These are the first steps towards providing effective differentiation. 5.Acknowledgement of the role a TA or LSA might play in the lesson. 6.An account of the resources you will use – everything from texts and worksheets to glue and scissors. Again, make your strategies for managing these resources quite clear. The same goes for your use of audio-visual or other equipment. 7.Use of ICT, with a clear statement of the ways in which it enhances learning. 8.Notes on Health and Safety considerations. In the typical English classroom this is usually about stray cables and stowing bags under tables, but, again, anticipate. If, for the first two or three lessons you feel saf er by writing yourself a script, that’s fine, but as you become more confident you should be able to move towards a more economical model. The exception to this advice is when you are structuring a sequence of questions. There’s nothing wrong with scripting them, just to be sure that you don’t miss out something important – and try to be prepared to be flexible. Stage 3 – Assessment How will you know that any learning has taken place? You can’t just assume it, so you must at some point, or points, during the lesson build in opportunities to check pupils’ understanding, whether that be orally or by more formal means. Again, be specific about how you will do this. Planning in Practice – getting the structure right Inspired by the National Strategy, most ‘model’ lesson plans contain four parts: Part 1. A short starter activity, involving the whole class in some way. This is as much as anything to engage pupils in the lesson and to wake them up, but should also assess or refresh prior knowledge, to bridge learning from previous lessons into the current one. Five to ten minutes is usually quite long enough. Part 2. An introduction to the main points that you want pupils to learn, perhaps through contextualisation, questioning, or plain exposition. Part 3. Development and consolidation. In this phase, encourage pupils to make the new learning their own, perhaps by applying it or re-stating it. Pupils might work in groups, pairs, individually, or in a mixture of all three, depending on how you have decided is best to meet the Learning Objectives. Part 4. Plenary. In this phase, you make the learning explicit, perhaps by structured questioning, feedback from pupils as presentations or as brief accounts. Pupils should be able to articulate in some way what they have learnt in the lesson, and you will be able to assess what learning has taken place, and how effectively. When you observe teachers in schools, consider how far each of them follows this four-part plan, and the reasons for any deviations from it. For example, you may see teachers conduct ‘mini-plenaries’ midway through the lesson. Talk with teachers about how they structure their lessons and their reasons for doing so.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ballads Case Essay

Ballads are poems that tell a story. These ballads are distinguished by such features as few characters, dramatic plots, and may include dialogue, as well as action because it tells a story. They are considered to be a form of narrative poetry. They are often used in songs and have a very musical quality to them. According to the dictionary, Ballad is a narrative poem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung, consisting of simple stanzas and usually having a refrain. It is the music for such a poem. It is also defined as a popular song especially of a romantic or sentimental nature. Here is an example: (Ballad of a Mother’s Heart) Origin There have been many theories about the originators of the ballads all of which have some validity when applied to the different types of ballad, the main ones are as follows:  · Minstrels: A minstrel is a musician or a poet. Originally, the minstrels were paid entertainers who worked for the Court and influential personages. They wrote songs about current events and historical victories of their patron and they included rewritings of old songs, legends and ballads in their theatre. The theory that the minstrels were the originators of the ballads was held for quite a long time. They are certainly a factor in the spreading of the ballads into the community; ballads were a stock item in the theatre of the minstrels even when their status had declined to that of street singers.  · – Dance: Certainly some of the ballads were tied to dances. The word ballad probably comes from medieval French dance songs or ballet (â€Å"ballares† dance).  · Ceremonial dance and songs. Some ballad refrains contain ceremonial chants and responses  · Monks: The monks were the amongst the few who could read and write in the early times of the ballad history and that it follows that they must have had a hand in the composition and writing of the ballads.  · Communal composition: It has been suggested that ballads may have developed as a communal effort; particularly those that contain refrains and rhythms that are connected with work such as weaving and spinning. Example is the walking songs of the Hebrides.  · Cante-fable. This is a story, which is classified with verses that are sung or chanted. Some ballads are distinctively English or Scottish in origin but the older ballads are more likely to have a European source as their beginnings, deriving from earlier poems and old folk tales brought into Britain by its many invaders, immigrants and soldiers returning from foreign wars. Composition Scholars of ballads are often divided into two: The ‘communalists’ who argue that ballads arose by a combined communal effort and did not have a single author. They tend to lead to the view that more recent, particularly printed broadside ballads are a debased form of the genre. The ‘individualists’ who assert that there was a single original author. They tended to lead to the view that later changes in the words of ballads are corruptions of an original text. More recently scholars have pointed to the interchange of oral and written forms of the ballad. Classification European Ballads have been generally classified into three major groups: traditional, broadside and literary. * Traditional ballads Traditional folk ballads exhibit certain characteristics which help to identify them as being genuine in origin. Traditional ballads or folk ballads were universal songs meant to be understood by everyone, so writers would choose words that even the uneducated might understand. Traditional ballads follow a standard format and tell lengthy stories that call on imagery. * Broadsides Broadside ballads are descriptive or narrative verses or songs sung or recited in public places or printed on broadsides for sale in the streets. It is commonly in a simple ballad form. Broadside ballads appeared shortly after the invention of printing in the 15th century and were hawked in streets, fairs, and marketplaces of Europe into the 19th century. Among the topics were love, religion, drinking-songs, legends, and early journalism, which included disasters, political events and signs, wonders and prodigies. * Literary ballads A literary ballad (also known as â€Å"art ballad†) is a narrative poem written in imitation of the old anonymous folk ballad; the author is most often a known professional poet. Usually the literary ballad is more elaborate and complex. Literary ballads were quite popular in England during the 19th cent. The literary ballad, unlike the traditional ballad and the broadside ballad, is a sophisticated rather than a popular form. Importance of Ballads Ballads are important to look at because they show how the form has developed over time. A ballad is not simply a romantic song, although that definition will still apply in the field of music. Romance can be infused into ballads, especially if they are a narrative tale of love (or hate) as seen in the ballad by the anonymous Spanish poet. However, they are so much more as well. Anyone who knows the ballad knows how complex the story is in terms of theme, imagery, characters, symbolism, and many other literary devices and significations.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The effects of the US 1965 Immigration Act Essay

The effects of the US 1965 Immigration Act - Essay Example According to the writings of Daniel in 2008, the effects that were intended differ completely from the actual ones. Around 22.8 million migrants came to America after the Immigration Act, which made the country the second largest in terms of the percentage of naturalized citizens. However according to Canellos (2008) the intended positive effects of the act completely matched the actual effects and led to the historical development of the country. The country, after the enactment of the act, experienced a change in the immigration pattern from a majority of European immigrants to an increase in Asian, African and Latin Americans. Another effect presented by the CIS report (though not supported by the other authors) was the increase in the dropout rates in the society with the increasing population of the immigrants. Though opinions about the actual effect of the act on the historical development and the changing nature of the society differ among the authors, the effects of the act o n the economy and the employment level of the country need to be disclosed. Primary resource essay Introduction: The Immigration Act of 1965 was passed by the Congress government of the country sponsored by Ted Kennedy, the senator of United States. With the new Immigration Act, the national origin formula that existed from the days of the previous Immigration Act of the year 1924 was abolished. ... The Immigration Act, when it was published, went unnoticed by the common people of the country as was the remaining eleven thousand bills published by the government of the country. The common people of the country were worried about the publication of the laws until the effect of those fell on the entire nation, ultimately affecting the lives of these common people. The same happened with the Immigration Act when it was first published by the Congress Ministry. However, with the proper enforcement of the act and its spread among the general people their lives started being affected gradually as the restriction on the immigration from the foreign land was considerably withdrawn with an annual limit being maintained by the law. The law ensured that not more twenty thousand of the people of foreign countries could immigrate to United States in a span of one year irrespective of the number of people of the same country already residing in the United States of America. The visas to the i mmigrants from the countries of the western hemisphere were produced on the first come first served basis. As the immigration policy of the country became almost the same for citizens of any country irrespective of their location, their economic and social conditions, the nature of immigration to the country changed. Previously immigrants, mainly from the European nations, visited America. However, with the change in the policy there occurred a shift from the European migrants to migrants from the continent of Asia and also from the countries of Central America and that of South America. The immediate effect of the Immigration Act of 1965 was that the number of immigrants in the country doubled itself within the span of five years, the time that the law

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

International Business - Essay Example It becomes necessary to be stated in this regard that the rapid pace of globalization with regard to the worldwide economies observed in the current years has been assessed to be greatly dependent on the facet of fast progress in the field of technologies as well as science. The reason behind this rapid progress has been ascertained to be an outcome of the related environment where the market economic structure was observed to have been expanding across the world. The stated factor of progress or development has been observed to be triggered owing to the soaring splitting up of labor across the borders which has further been infiltrating into the production chains with respect to the ventures in relation to various countries (Tisdell & Sen, 2004). The processes related to the escalating degree of globalization, otherwise as well as economic are known to give rise to the facet of fresh economic modifications along with few political challenges with respect to every individual. The com petency possessed by the national governments in terms of acting autonomously with regard to the relevant economic as well as social policies tends to trim down as a result of the escalating international economic inter-reliance. The lesser degree of proficiency of the nationalized governments with regard to controlling the social, cultural, economic and environmental alteration implies the likelihood of a rising requirement for globally synchronized political activities (Tisdell & Sen, 2004). These particular activities are considered to be imperative in order to cope up with any kind of unwanted alterations in the mentioned variables for the reason of soaring extent of globalization followed by global interdependence. Therefore, the aspect of economic globalization can be stated to be the procedure related to international industrial re-modification and restructuring (Shangquan, 2000). The Legal and Political Environment Western Australia is believed to present such a business atm osphere or setting which is considered to support development and opulence. The degree related to sovereign-risk and government policies related to pro-growth has been measured to be quite less along with an increasingly proficient as well as innovative personnel or labor force makes the aspect of conducting business in the country to be quite worthwhile and uncomplicated. The structure of the government in Australia is found to be reliant and pursuant of a tradition that is known to be liberal democratic entailing freedom in relation to speech as well as association along with religious tolerance. The structure of government in the country follows a system of three-tier that is Federal or Commonwealth, Local and State. The Parliament of Australia along with the Government holds accountability regarding the matters relevant to National Interest for instance immigration, post as well as telecommunications, social security, banks, foreign affairs, defense, pensions, census along with statistics and coinage (Government of Western Australia, 2009). The legal structure in Australia has been found to have been developed in context with the British law. Major portion in relation to the law has been

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gaming Impact Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gaming Impact Study - Essay Example New Jersey is one of the states, which provides funding for education and treatment programs for people with a gambling problem. Due to the efforts of the New Jersey Casino Control Commission, the activity has been kept under manageable limits. One of the commendable efforts of the Control Commission has been to impose a partial ban on smoking in the casinos. In New Jersey, the tax is 9.25 percent on gross gaming revenue, which the state uses to benefit senior citizens and people with disabilities. There are reports that New Jersey casino revenues fell by 10 pct. in January 2008 as compared to January 2007. The 11 casinos in Atlantic City reported a 10 percent decrease in total revenue in January 2008, with every gambling hall, even the formidable Borgata, showed a decline. Revenues declined across the board, whether it was slot games or table games. The casinos reported decreases that ranged from 21 percent at the Tropicana and Trump Marina, to 0.8 percent at Trump Plazai. Another factor contributing to the decline in revenues could be the competition offered from casinos recently opened in Pennsylvania . The impact of Pennsylvania slots on Atlantic City has been dramatic. Last year's total revenue for the 11 casinos was down by almost 10 percent as compared to the previous year. A major part (almost one-third) of the casinos' revenues is cont

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project Management Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Project Management Theory - Essay Example A project manager is a person that is responsible for planning, implementing and delivering a project on time and within an allocated budget. A project manager is a multi-skilled professional whose job entails a lot of different roles within a project. The principal role of the project manager is successful completion of a project. His job entails managing the project, business analysis, work design and writing documentation (Lifecyclestep, 2005). He must be able to effectively manage people in order to motivate them and build working relationships to get the most out of his human resources. An efficient utilization of an allocated budget is important since the project manager has to complete the project without going over budget. When a project runs out the money allocated it is at risk of full failure and the project could become sunk costs for the company. Most of the roles and responsibilities of the project manager are illustrated in the list below: The project manager works in a team environment in which he is the person responsible of managing that team. He must motivate the team and utilize his leadership skills to challenge the members and ensure their work complies with the expectations for the project. To better understand the needs of his colleagues he has to listen to them and provide insightful feedback to them. It is important that the workers understand their duties and responsibilities. The project manager has to layout clear guidelines and of what is expected from each member. This is accomplished by good written and verbal communication from the project manager. A company in the process of hiring a project manager must look for a specific set of skills from a professional. An advertisement for a project manager position could look like the example illustrated in the table below: Looking for a motivated project manager with 5-10 experience in various industries with great

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Illicit drugs in Asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Illicit drugs in Asia - Essay Example The second perspective is how Asian consumers of psychoactive new markets have been forged. The market for the production of methamphetamine has been the rise due to the new conf ration of Asian medicine. The economic integration in oceanic countries has led to the expansion of illicit drug trade. Since 2013, international drug trafficking networks such as South Asia, Western Asia, North America and Western Africa have been targeting the region (Haq, 2000).The other perspective is the significance of the place of psycho-active substances in Asia. Illicit drugs in Asia provide a source of income to farmers as they largely depend on illicit drug harvest (Chouvy, 2013). As a result, these farmers become able to support their families without difficulties. For suppliers, they benefit by advertising, marketing and selling their products under the names of harmless daily products such as fertilizers, salt and room fresheners. This enables them mislead the authorities for transacting illega l trade in order to do their daily business and make money. In addition to that, governments have largely benefited from these drugs. Some fund their political campaigns using the money from the trade of these drugs.Besides, is the prospective of chief concerns of governments and administrations in controlling the markets and consumers. The drug traffickers have since been haunted by the Asian governments as they have constantly led to public health threat as opposed to the usage of illegal and illicit drugs.

What is family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is family - Essay Example With a stable relationship within the family setting, a healthy generation is created to develop the aspect in future generation. The family is formed based on the family values that accord roles to the members within the family. Each of the members is given defined roles to lead to a healthy relationship within the family. When the roles are completed and duties assigned according to the desired provisions, the members are accorded the opportunity to develop positive virtues towards future developments. The younger members of the family are accorded the opportunity to present similar fete to their own creations within the future generation. The stronger members of the family are accorded tougher roles as compared to the other members who are considered vulnerable to harsh environmental presentation. Pauline Erera in her writings explains these relationships in her book Family diversity to accord the family structure and the definition of the entity based on the contemporary values. Erera explains that the family setting and definition has changed in the modern society due to the changed roles of the members. The other aspect that has contributed to the change has been in the varied diversity evident within the setting. She lists that the families that have been developed have observed the role of protection of the members. The article lists the varied family types that have been created from lesbian families to single parent families (Erera 133). However, the article is based on the argument that the family should be based on the traditional values that had been noted to promote peaceful correlation and discipline. Through supportive evidence of the family values and the explanation of the changes in the family structure since the 1970s, Erera supports her claim of the growth within the family value. She explains that families with married couples had been diminishing from the 1970s due to the challenges of the society (Erera 118). The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

INDIVIDUAL REFLECTION (700 words) Managing Groups and Teams Essay

INDIVIDUAL REFLECTION (700 words) Managing Groups and Teams - Essay Example There was a feeling that some people in the group always benefit at the expense of others. Such sentiments had been gained after watching movies where in most cases those who did not put any effort benefited the most, while the hard working people got a small share of the reward. However, hard work, as groups is advantageous than working individually. This is because it is possible knowing much through the discussions forums. Group activities have made it possible for me to change the bad attitude towards group work. It was learned that working as groups can be sometimes motivational to members. The greatest lesson learned through the group work was that teamwork involves synchronizing aptitudes, attributes, and positions. The same sentiments are shared by Cardona and Wilkinson â€Å"If people use their aptitudes and position in an isolated way without taking other team members’ aptitude and positions into account, they are not working as a team. Rather, they are working on their own company† (Cardona and Wilkinson, 2006, p. 3). In the group, members were motivated by encouraging them to do the research and were given assistance in cases of difficulties. Gradually, each other’s weakness were learned and eventually, it was possible to work on the weak points hence making the weak group members strong. During the group work, various challenges were encountered. One of the challenges was that the group had not met before with the rest of the group members. This made the initial stages difficult. However, as time progressed, they understood each other’s weaknesses group. The group work became easy for them and even enjoyed participation. Additionally, there was the intellectual challenge, which involved understanding the behaviors and characteristics of group members. This mainly occurred during group discussions. It became evident that some members had a difficult time in settling for a good answer with other group members. Most notably, there was a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Financial Accounting. Relevance and Reliability Dissertation

Financial Accounting. Relevance and Reliability - Dissertation Example Financial information of any company is presented in financial statements. Financial statements are the main components of company’s annual report. These statements need to have fairly representation of the financial details which is responsible for the decision making process of the investors, suppliers, creditors etc. relevance and reliability are two most important characteristics of financial statements of any organizations. These two factors determine the quality of financial statements. The main purpose of the financial reporting is to provide fairly valued and audited financial details of company for its stakeholders. According to these settlements the actual; worth, performance, profitability, growth rate etc are determined. So, a financial statements needs to be relevant to the valuable decision making requirements of the users. Depending on financial statements, millions are invested to companies by the investor daily. So, relevance and reliability of financial state ments are very essential to the users of financial statements. Purpose of the financial reporting There are two broad purpose of financial reporting, external and internal. External purpose includes the investment decision making by the shareholders and potential new investors of a company, credit rating analysis of company by the credit rating agencies and also by the creditors like banks and other financial institutions, suppliers, government and regulatory bodies like taxation department of government. Internal purpose of financial reporting is to make a standardized record of the financial activities by a company so that it can evaluate its performance at the end of a quarter or a financial year. From the evaluation of the financial statements the companies make decision and develop strategies or change strategies and activities for the next quarter or the next financial year. Financial reporting provides information to the investors, creditors, suppliers so that they can assess the timing, amount and uncertainty of a business entity’s performance in terms of future cash inflow and cash outflow. The elements in financial statements are very important to analysis the ability to generate net cash inflow by a business. This is one of the important characteristics of a business which directly influence the return on the investment of the existing investors of a business and it is also the key important factor to the potential investors by which they are generally influenced to invest in company. Financial reporting is the important part of the valid contract between a stakeholder and an organization. The stakeholder may be any individual or other institutions who are directly or indirectly related to a business entity. A financial report must needs to accomplish some key important factors or characteristics of a business. The main factor is the business is making profit and loss and the amount of profit or loss. Secondly, how much assets the company has to cover its liability and the quality of the assets the company. Third, financial statements provide information about the source of the capital that the business use and efficiency of the business in terms of effective use of the capital so that it can generate substantial return of capital used. Net cash flow of a business is directly influence the return for the investors of a business so it is another important factor of a business which financial stateme

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Gay and Lesbian Acceptance in Society

Gay and Lesbian Acceptance in Society There are obvious outgrowing numbers of gays and lesbians communities in our country and all over the world. People become increasingly engaged into homosexual affiliations. Many variables influence the emergence of sexuality in all young people. These variables are changes in biological processes, relationships and community interactions. The level of acceptance between gays and lesbians has changed over the years. The researchers would like to determine the level of acceptance of the society between gays and lesbians. This study was conducted with the purpose of analyzing the factors that lead to the acceptance of society between gays and lesbians. This study identified the variables and factors influencing and may affect the societys level of acceptance between gays and lesbians. Statement of the Problem The study aimed to determine the factors that lead to the acceptance of the society between gays and lesbians. Specifically, it sought to determine the following: What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: age? sex? civil status? religion? educational attainment? What are the attitudes and behaviours of gays and lesbians which contributes to the level of acceptance of the society? What are the factors that influence the emergence of being homosexual individual? What are the challenges faced by lesbians and gays on the acceptance of the society? How the respondents are reacting to communities of gays and lesbians? Significance of the Study The study has significance to gays and lesbians, as they will be aware of the level of acceptance of the society to them and the factors that contribute to the willingness of the society towards them. To the parents, that they will be aware of the condition of their children, as the findings were presented to them, they will be encouraged to improve their views and beliefs regarding homosexuality. To the society, that they will be aware of the happenings to the homosexual based on their opinions, beliefs, and views, as they give it in relation to their acceptance and may find ways to improve the level of acceptance between gays and lesbians. Scope, Delimitations Limitations of the Study The respondents of this study include 25 lesbians, 25 gays, 25 parents of either lesbian or gay, and 25 individuals who have gay/ lesbian friends. They will be asked regarding attitudes and behaviours of homosexuals which contribute to their level of acceptance in the society. They will be given chances to give their opinions, views and beliefs regarding homosexuality. Definition of Terms The terms included in the research paper will be defined to facilitate understanding of the study. Lesbian. Homosexual woman; the condition in which a woman is sexually attracted to, or engages in sexual behaviour with another woman. Gay. Homosexual man; the condition in which man is sexually attracted to, or engages in sexual behaviour with another man. Homosexuality. The condition of being sexually attracted, covertly, or overtly, by members of ones own sex. Society. Organized and interdependent community. Morality. Degree of conformity to moral principles. Acceptance. Willingness to accept. CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter includes discussion on related literature and studies both foreign and local, which provides relevant facts about the societys level of acceptance between gays and lesbians. It also aims to determine the level of acceptance from past to present. Foreign Studies On the study conducted by the researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation entitled Inside- out : A report on the Experiences of Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals in America and the Publics Views on Issues and Advices Related to Sexual Orientation. The are two national public opinion surveys: one, to gather information on the experiences of seslf-identified lesbians, gays and bisexuals: and the second to gauge the general publics attitudes towards this group and their views on key policy issues related to sexual orientation. They did it to determine where the public really stands. Researchers found out that large majority of self-identified lesbians, gays, and bisexuals believe that there is more acceptance today compared to a few years ago. One third from their respondents say that their family or a family member has refused to accept them. According to the research, lesbians are more likely to report not having been accepted by their families. It was found out that majority of the general public reports knowing someone who is gay, lesbian or bisexual believes that there is more acceptance of lesbians and gays today compared to a few years ago. Most say that greater acceptance is either good for the country or does not matter one way or the other. The majority also believes that homosexual behavior is a normal part of some peoples sexuality. Individuals age 65 and older those with a high school education or less and those who do not have lesbian and gay co-workers, friends or family members are least likely to have accepting attitudes towards lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. Religious affiliation also has significant effect on attitudes and level of acceptance. Overall, the public is increasing accepting gays and lesbians in the society. On the study conducted by Elizabeth Mehren entitled Homosexuals finding more Acceptance. Poll says states that gays and lesbians have experienced a dramatic rise in acceptance over the last two decades, according to a new Los Angeles Times Poll-2004. In ltwo Los Angeles Times polls in the mid- 1980s and other data from the same era, the level of sympathy toward gays and lesbians was half what it is today. Researchers found out that gay people in general are feeling more comfortable in society and society is feeling more comfortable with gay people. The study revealed that 62 percent say their community accepts gays and lesbians. Based on the survey conducted by the members of the Public Agenda Organization entitled Ambivalence and Mixed Messages, acceptance of gays and lesbians has risen significantly, and currently about half of Americans say homosexuality should be an acceptable lifestyle. Survey questions about whether American society should accept homosexuality often draw different responses depending on the examples mentioned which is an indication of public ambivalence. Questions that raise the issue of fair treatment typically draw much higher levels of public support. For instance, substantial majorities of Americans say they support equal protection for homosexuals against hate crimes and equal rights in terms of housing and jobs. surveys show that slight majorities say a gay person could be a good role model and as good a parent as anyone, yet they are divided on whether they would allow a homosexual to baby-sit their child and half say they oppose allowing gay couples to adopt. The survey conducted by the faculty staff of The University of Arizona entitled Equitys 1992 Campus Climate Report was aimed to investigate the climate for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals on campus. Majority of their sample comprised of heterosexuals. They allow their respondents to rate in the scale of 1-10 on every question. As a result, majority placed 8 to 10 range on the level of acceptance with the women expressing high level of acceptance than men. Respondents employment status had no significant impact on the acceptance scale, with no major differences surfacing among faculty, staff, and graduate students. They also asked if their religion influences their views on homosexuality; seventeen percent of the respondents marked yes. But not only religion appeared to influence people toward negative views. A series of items asked respondents to characterize the level of respect shown for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals by others in their department, specifically their immediate superv isor, co-workers, department head, and students. All in all, the responses to questions about respect levels in departments reveal that the immediate environment for gay, lesbian, and bisexual members of the University is not a particularly good one, but that department heads and supervisors show generally higher levels of respect than co-workers and students. Justin J. Jagosh, in his thesis entitled Moving toward understanding and acceptance: Parents experiences after finding out their children are gay, lesbian, and bisexual aimed to explore how the parents will accept their childs sexuality. Through qualitative inquiry, 12 Canadian parents (7 mothers and 5 fathers) were interviewed to develop an in-depth analysis of their thoughts, feelings, and actions in relation to having gay, lesbian, and bisexual children. He found out that parents went through a process of understanding and acceptance, in which they made sense of past experiences they had with their children, reacted emotionally to finding out, changed their perspectives on issues, and shared their experiences with others. There are still hindering factors but with the strategies suggested in which researchers, educators, health professionals, media personnel, parent support groups, and parents themselves can use like some mentioned above, it will not be difficult for parents to un derstand and accept their gay, lesbian, and bisexual children. Foreign studies On the book overview of Lesbian, Gay and bisexual identities and youth by Anthony R. OAngelli, Charlotte Patterson explore the psychological dimentions of lesbian, gay and bisexual identities from puberty to adulthood. There are changes in biological processes, relationship and community interactions influence the emergence of sexuality in all young people. The article, Chasing the Rainbow; Is a Gay Population an Engine of Urban Revival? Cities are beginning to think so by Richard Florida sees that openness to the gay community is a good indication of the low entry barriers to human capital that are so important to spurring creativity and generating high-tech growth. The homosexuality represents the last last frontier of diversity in our society, and thus a place that welcomes the gay community welcomes all kinds of people. Also an article in New Zealand by the LGBT organization on that country which is entitled A Civil Union Ceremony in Wellington last December 20006 states that New Zealand society is generally fairly relaxed in acceptance of gays and lesbians. The gay-friendly is epitomized by the fact that there are several Member if Parliament who belong to the LGBT community, gay rights are protected by the New Zealand Human Rights Act. And New Zealand is relatively small population. The LGBT community is small, but still visible, with Pride festivals and LGBT events held around the country throughout the year. Local Literature J. Neil C. Garcia in his book Philippine Gay Culture: The Last Thirty Years, Binabae to Bakla, Silahis to MSM tackles the perception of Filipinos to gays and lesbians from the last thirty years. The anxiety of Western civilization toward its many different genders- not just masculine and feminine-finds its fecund expression in the varieties of camp (butch/femme) and transvestisms (macho, queer, transvestophilic, transgenderist, etc.) which, over the last century, have come to be institutionalized as legitimate self-expressions within the gay and lesbian cultures of the United States, Europe and Australia, This anxiety is deeply rooted in the Judeo-Christian metaphysical tradition which, until recently, was a rather inexorable force in the Western subjects life. On the other hand, this study has argued that the Philippines has its own dualist tradition in respect of sexual identity, and although it would seem that the effeminate bakla and the mannish tomboy attest to the fluidity of g ender concepts and roles in our culture, at the level of desire they merely reinforce the babae and the lalake, whose pale reflections they are. Rafael cannot be farther from the truth when he ascribes to kabaklaan the parodic and self-reflexive character which it doesnt (yet) possess. As things stand, the dominant conception of the bakla identity strictly confines the bakla to an agonistic effeminacy (a poor copy of femininity). In fact, the masculine bakla is simply unthinkable. He therefore must be a closet case, or a double-dealing fraud (silahis). Suffice it to say, then, that at the core of the social construction of the bakla is coreness itself. As a recent ethnography reiterates, the bakla is a man with a womans heart who, like a real woman, deeply desires a real man to be happy. The silence of local psychological institutions in the early sixties about homosexuality and homosexual counseling seems strange, given that globally, the problems of adolescent homosexuals never fail to make it in the agenda of any conference on juvenile mental health (for only obvious reasons). By the rest of the 1960s, as well as the early seventies, however, this situation had palpably changed, and homosexuality was made to belong under the aegis of psychological science, as may be proven by the existence of positivist works on it which were written around this time. (A partial listing of the sundry academic studies on homosexuality in the Philippines is included in the last section of this book). The consequence of this is the renewed and intensified medical psychopathologization of the bakla as inversions homosexual: a man whose psychological being does not coincide with his anatomic sex. Only this time, his sexuality has become the central defining feature of his by now psycho sexually inverted identity. He concluded that the bakla is the only kind of (male) homosexual Philippine culture has, relatively speaking, known; and therefore also the only (male) homosexual Philippine culture has discriminated against and/or dismissed as sick, deviant and sinful-as bakla, precisely. Any local text proclaiming itself gay or homosexual cannot help but relate itself to and to situate itself within kabaklaan, hence. CHAPTER 3 Methods and Procedure Research Methodology The researcher used descriptive method in the study. Descriptive method of research is a fact finding study with sufficient and accurate interpretation of the findings. It describes what is. It describes with emphasis what actually exist such as current condition, situation practices, or any phenomena. Since the study is concerned in the Analysis on the acceptance of the society between gays/lesbians. Subjects of the Study The researchers chose 100 respondents divided into four categories. These composed of 25 gays, 25 lesbians,25 parents of gays or lesbians and 25 individuals who have gays or lesbians friends. The Sampling Technique The researchers used simple random sampling and the size of the population is 200 and the study of population is people who have known a friend or any related of gay and lesbians also the respondents and the parents. Sample: 25 respondents 25 gays 25 lesbians 25 parents Those 25 to sum up of 100 is from the population of 200 and was chosen by simple random sampling. Procedure of Data Gathering The researchers used in the method of collecting data is normative survey, researchers used this for its very effective and looking for the commonalities of the said subject. This would be the best and most appropriate method to use in data gathering. Statistical Treatment of Data The role of the statistical treatment of data in research. The researchers is considering much in the age and gender also their state of consciousness and the rationality and also the emotion are being needed through the research.

Assertiveness and Effective Leadership

Assertiveness and Effective Leadership ASSERTIVENESS AND EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP By Joseph Santora This article deals with the study of the right level of assertiveness that should be use in having an effective leadership. These are the key points that I observe with this reading: Leaders should have managerial competencies in order to be successful in any organization, one of these characteristics that people are looking in good managers is his/her assertiveness. The connection between leadership and assertiveness isnt that clear, there have been studies from the past regarding the relationship of leadership and assertiveness. Studies shows that there are certain levels of assertiveness that should be use in different situations in   order to become an effective leader. On the first study, assertiveness was not consorted with leadership strength but rather it was considered as a weakness of a leader. Regardless of the level of assertiveness used, whether it is low assertiveness or high assertiveness, both were considered as weakness of a potential managers. On the second study, it was viewed that people with moderate and low levels of assertiveness are much appreciated when it comes to conflict management and their influence to other, rather than people with high level of assertiveness, wherein they are still viewed as least effective leaders. The third study conducted focuses on older managers and the result is leaders with too low in assertiveness were seen as weak for getting things done but are successful with their social relationship in the organization, while leaders with high level of assertiveness may be able to get things done but suffers his/her social life at work. Though there are a lot of suggestions, the conclusion to this study is having a moderate level of assertiveness is more likely to be effective in leadership both in social and organizational goals. However, they should be flexible on the level of their assertiveness depending on the demand of certain situations. How can you make use of the article in your daily life? For me, assertiveness in my life means being aggressive and fierce in getting things done or in any circumstances. I think I can relate the level of assertiveness in my daily life as a spouse. Being a wife to my a bit temperamental husband, where his mood swings were kinda unpredictable, I have to make sure of the right level of assertiveness to apply in dealing with him especially when problem comes to avoid CHAOS. LEADERSHIP STYLES AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLES OF EXECUTIVES By S. Limbare The study deals about the relationship between leadership styles and management styles of executives, here are the list of key points that I have taken into about what the article wants to convey. Leadership is basically the ability to influence others to direct them in attaining specific goals, moulding their attitudes and behavior, and motivating them. There are eight different styles of leadership according to Reddin (1970) and these are the following: Deserter Leadership style means uninvolved or passive, who allows things to just happen and accept what other people would do without trying to change them. Missionary style of leadership is primarily interested harmony and would avoid any conflict as much as possible. Autocrat leadership style shows no confidence and lack concerns to others. And just interested in getting the job done. Usually self centered kind of leadership where it keeps all the control of the org within himself. Compromiser style of leader is a poor decision maker, who would easily give up on something in order to end an argument or dispute. Bureaucrat is normally based on following the rules and procedures and control the situation for their own sake. Developer leadership style based his trust on people and is mainly concern in developing them as individual goal setter. Benevolent autocrat knows exactly what he wants form people and the situation and knows how to get things done in his own way without causing resentment. Executive is a good motivator who sets high standards treats everyone differently and prefers team management. There are four main avoidance styles of conflict management at preventing or postponing conflict in different ways and these are: Resignation the extreme avoidance adopted in helpless situations. Wedrawal getting away with conflict. Defusion the style that buys time or delays the dealing with conflict. Appeasement style means agreeing temporarily with the group not because it is convinced but just to avoid conflicts. There are four approaches modes or styles that are used in dealing with conflict and finding a solution and these are: Confrontation is use to fight out an issue to get a solution in favor of one side. It is often adopted by management and may involve coercion and likely to fail in having solution. Compromise process of sharing the gain without resolving the conflict. Arbitration where a third party is sought to assess the situation and provide solutions. Negotiation jointly discussion in dealing with the problem and finding solutions. Different studies were made and same findings are missionary style of a leader was the most preferred and deserter leader was the most rejected. And that appeasement management style was the most preferred style in dealing with conflict. The modes and styles of conflict management and managerial leadership style of managers By khan Key points from the journal reading: Conflict in an organization is inevitable, because it is made up of individuals or group that affect one another with their actions. It can involve incompatible differences between parties that would result to opposition and violation of rules and procedures. Conflict signifies commitment, involvement and caring. In this study there are five styles of conflict management, these are: Competition, the use of this style in dealing with the conflict solution is the attempt to affect very strongly the opponent by the use of formal authority, power or threats. Collaboration is mutual problem solving, where parties are face to face in discussing the issues. It is frequently viewed as a win approach because the solution is sought by all the participants for their advantages. Avoidance a situation where one party avoids the other to prevent demonstration of disagreement, it is either withdrawal or suppression. Accommodation it is viewed as a self-sacrificing behavior, where one party puts the other partys interest first. Compromise is created when each party gives up something to come up with the solution. There are different kind of leadership style that was tackled in this journal these are: Concern for people leaders considers the needs of their members. Concern for production leader emphasizes high productivity, organizational efficiency in deciding how to complete the task. Country club leadership high people but low production because people operates under the assumption that as long as they are happy and secure they will work hard. The direction and control of the org suffers. Produce or perish leader also known as authoritarian or compliance leaders, strict rules, policies and views punishment to motivate the employees. Viewed as high production but low in people. Impoverished leadership it is a low production and low people approach and most ineffective. Middle of the road leadership medium production and medium people where leaders settle for average performance. Team leadership according to Blake mouton this is the pinnacle of managerial style. Where leader stress the production needs and people need equally high. In their analysis, it is revealed that most managers used the accommodating and collaborating conflict management mode to handle issue in an organization. Conflict management, efficacy, performance in an organizational team By s. alper Key points of the article: In a traditional hierarchical organizations, employees are expected to inform their managers or supervisors of problems and conflicts and abide by their decision. In organizations that use teams, employees are supposed to resolve problems and conflicts by themselves. There are some theories that argued that employees will work more effectively when they are in control of their own internal functioning and work coordination without eternal supervision. Employees are expected to resolve issues around their personalities, work roles and habits, production procedures and quality of work to best way to complete the task. Individuals who believe they can perform needed actions exert effort are productive than those with little efficacy are unproductive and fail to take initiative to contribute to the organizations. Group efficacy have important effects on team performance. Conflict is central to organizational groups that is why conflict efficacy may contribute significantly to the team overall performance. With low levels of efficacy the teams are unable to perform effectively. Conflict efficacy the belief of team members that they could successfully manage different conflict situations. Some studies support that competitive conflict has a largely negative impact on conflict efficacy. Teams that relied to competitive conflict were found to have exhibit low levels of conflict efficacy and reduced group performance. Organizational teams that rely on cooperative approaches to conflicts appears to be good candidates in working effectively for the organization because of their autonomy. Organizational teams do not improve by themselves, teams are not expected to automatically feel empowered and confident to deal with conflicts in any situation. Empowering them and giving them the proper enhancements to manage conflict would definitely give them the positive attitudes to do the work effectively and resolve conflicts. The critical role of conflict resolution in teams: a close look at the links between conflict type, conflict management strategies and team outcomes.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Efficient Cleaning Services Riding on Technology and Customizations In the last century the humans have adored numerous complexities in their life styles and abodes. We developed intricate detailing and have been using newer materials for the purpose of construction of our homes and workplaces. Such beauty and utility additions have rendered the task of regular cleaning as more typical and difficult at times. Although a number of devices were subsequently introduced in the market for the benefit and convenience of the people but cleaning itself evolved as an established vertical and such a service was supported by dedicated sectoral interventions. Some companies gained global recognition for delivering efficient and technique driven cleaning services in Singapore corporate sector. The cleaning operations have been rendered more advanced with attention now focused on the development of new range of cleaning agents that are both effective and safe also. In fact post cleaning ambient-safety has emerged as a much sought after dimension and this aspect has simultaneously leveraged thi... Essay -- Efficient Cleaning Services Riding on Technology and Customizations In the last century the humans have adored numerous complexities in their life styles and abodes. We developed intricate detailing and have been using newer materials for the purpose of construction of our homes and workplaces. Such beauty and utility additions have rendered the task of regular cleaning as more typical and difficult at times. Although a number of devices were subsequently introduced in the market for the benefit and convenience of the people but cleaning itself evolved as an established vertical and such a service was supported by dedicated sectoral interventions. Some companies gained global recognition for delivering efficient and technique driven cleaning services in Singapore corporate sector. The cleaning operations have been rendered more advanced with attention now focused on the development of new range of cleaning agents that are both effective and safe also. In fact post cleaning ambient-safety has emerged as a much sought after dimension and this aspect has simultaneously leveraged thi...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Relationship of Washington Square to Henry Jamess Other Novels :: Washington Square Henry James

Relationship of Washington Square to Henry James's Other Novels According to Bette Howland in "Washington Square, the Family Plot," the idea that Henry James should leave Washington Square out of his New York Edition, is "a fitting irony" in that "like Dr. Sloper in the novel, James disinherited his heroine; [and] cut her out of his will" (1). Although James might have wished us to treat Washington Square as an orphan, an outcast, a black sheep as compared with its "better" relatives, Howland's essay quite clearly establishes a familial link between this and James's other, more famous works. As Howland says, "Not only is Washington Square, though disowned, a member of the family--it is the original, the mother lode" (1). Howland begins her analysis by looking at how James took an anecdote given to him one night at a dinner party and made the "tale purely American." To Howland, the very location of Washington Square stands for James' perception of "the stifling provincial life of America" in that it is "the object of Morris' aspirations; the prison of Catherine's confinement; the seat of the Doctor's power (sic)" (16). By confining the characters to the small world of Washington Square, says Howland, James created a "closed system" in which he could work his irony most effectively (5). She also notes how James changed the simple anecdote into an ironic contest of wills. He made the father the "heavy" rather than the fortune-hunter, and he made the father a scientist, a "scholarly doctor" so that he fit in with the American values of earning an income (or seeming to), and appreciating science (Howland 3). Howland also does an apt comparison of Washington Square in relationship to James's other novels by pointing out how he frequently talked about love in terms of the financial. As Howland says, "[With James], there's never enough [love] to go around; one person's gain is always another's loss" (7), and money is quite commonly involved in the equation. In addition, James has another system of economy that is always at work in his novels. As Howland says, "at the beginning, the good heroines are all in the dark," but "by the end, they are the only ones who see" (15).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Crew Resource Management and Aviation Safety Essay -- Essays Papers Fl

Abstract Throughout the history of aviation, accidents have and will continue to occur. With the introduction of larger and more complex aircraft, the number of humans required to operate these complex machines has increased as well as, some say, the probability of human error. There are studies upon studies of aircraft accidents and incidents resulting from breakdowns in crew coordination and, more specifically, crew communication. These topics are the driving force behind crew resource management. This paper will attempt to present the concept of crew resource management (CRM) and its impact on aviation safety in modern commercial and military aviation. The concept is not a new one, but is continually evolving and can even include non-human elements such as computer-controlled limitations on aircraft maneuvers and the conflicts that result in the airline industry. Crew Resource Management and Aviation Safety Since the birth of aviation, man has been tasked with operating aircraft safely, yet effectively. From the beginning days of being able to simply operate an aircraft without injury for seconds at a time, to today's issues with safety in supersonic international travel, crew resource management has been with us in some from the beginning. The term "CRM" began to spread in the 1980's among the major airlines, fueled by industry and university research into human factors. The U.S. military has also taken a very active in the development of CRM techniques to aid in the high stress environment of military aviation. The basic concept of crew resource management (CRM) is to train crewmembers to use all available personnel, equipment, and experience to safely and effectively operate an aircraft. It is used in nearly every facet of aviation from the smallest regional airline, to the largest major carrier, to the various crew operated military aircraft. One aspect of aviation missing from the fold is the general aviation (GA) community, such as the private pilot. This has become a growing concern as many future air carrier pilots and military pilots begin as private pilots. The need for CRM training in this area is there, but the training seems excessive and useless to many in the field as most of these pilots operate single pilot aircraft. Perhaps this attitude comes from the term "crew" and is dismissed by the ... ... problem are under constant development and analysis, in a hope to avoid these situations. The civilian industry continues to lead in development due to commercialization, with the military not far behind. The only real deficiency in CRM program development seems to be the area of general aviation as described earlier. Until this problem is addressed, there will still be a glaring weakness in the general area of aviation safety. However, with the rate of technology increase and cheaper methods of instruction, we should begin to see this problem addressed in the near future. Until then, aviation will rely on civil commercial aviation the military to continue research and program development for the years to come, hopefully resulting in an increasingly safe method of travel and recreation. References Hawkins, Frank H. (1987). Human Factors in Flight, 2nd ed., 35, 36. Santiago, Marco Jr. (1996). Application of Crew Resource Management and Line Oriented Flight Training Concepts to General Aviation Flight Training. Arizona State University. Simmon, David A. (1998). Boeing 757 CFIT Accident at Cali, Columbia, Becomes Focus of Lessons Learned. Flight Safety Digest.

Should Sikh Children Be Allowed To Wear A Kirpan In School

Despite that they are Sikh and it's their own religion, allot of Sikhs would still argue that they shouldn't bring it in. One Of the reasons is that they do not fully understand what it means and what it is used for, there for they would not weir it. Another reason being that they don't have to bring a knife in to show that they are a part of their religion; they could wear a badge instead. This would show everyone that they are Sikhs without the hassle of bringing a knife. For-non Sikh Non Sikhs that would argue for it being allowed would usually say if its apart f their religion, let them wear it.They also might argue that it is not sharp another to hurt anyone unless used with allot of force. And they say that Sikhs would not even get it out for it to be used. As well as not being used it is also not noticeable to anyone as it is usually hidden away under their cloths. Against-non Sikh Non Sikhs could argue that it is bad for Sikhs to bring a Korean in because it could scare other people. It could also be stolen and then used. Non Sikhs could argue that if Sikhs get to bring knives in for protection other people loud start bringing in knives too.They also think that in schools there is a rule that no knives must be brought into school no matter what, a Korean is a knife Personal opinion personally think that the Korean should not be brought into school because it is a knife and knifes are not allowed in school. If they want to respect their religion they can wear a badge instead. People could also be afraid of the person using it and not want to get on their bad side. Also if it is stolen it could be used to hurt someone with.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Drinking and Driving: Underage, Military & Binge Drinking

TABLE OF limit INTRODUCTION 5 UNDERAGE inebriation 5 MILITARY UNDERGE DRINKING.. 7 BINGE DRINKING. 8 coda. 11 RECOMMENDATIONS/SOLUTIONS. 11 MILITARY WINGMAN invention.. 13 ENFORCING THE LAW. 15 kit and boodle CITED 17 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS makeuped imbibition Patterns Among Students. 6 Table 1 rep each(prenominal)owe insobriety Prevalence, Frequency, and Intensity 10 Michael J. Green professor Paul Rosenberg Writing for Man maturaters 2 display 2013 deglutition and driveway minor, Military and flop Drinking We both fill out i of the worst decisions we stinkpot withstand as responsible drivers is to trounce behind the cycles/second after(prenominal) a night taboo on the t give where we may start out had a few also more or less(prenominal) alky bever historic periods. We may not nonetheless out be in a actor to make a rational judg custodyt, let al integrity operate a vehicle.Under duration Drinking We every know that small-scale d mutilateerkenness is when both whiz under the legal potable age of 21 confuses intoxi dischar realiseic drinkic drink. Many teens face magnanimous jobs at a real newfangled age. Underage deglutition is a major(ip) problem among teens today. In today society, kids atomic number 18 being pressured into doing things at a very young age. Problem many pargonnts ar facing in their own animateness atomic number 18 also posing as problems on their kids. Aside from being illegal, underage deglutition gage bring closely semipublic health problems. correspond to the subject field of view shew on inebriantic drink Ab habit and crapulence underage crapulence attempts involve demolition 5,000 plead under the age of 21 crack each year from inebriantic beverage-related railroad rail path car crashes, homicides, suicides, strong drink poisoning, and new(prenominal) injuries such as smooths, burn, and drowning. (NIAAA) We ar not only public lecture much(prenominal) than or less cobblers lasts as well as safe injuries, impaired judgment, developmentd risk for physical and sexual assault and wittiness development problems. (NIAAA). As you mint jar against there argon serious risks affect with underage swallow.Comp ar and Contrast Driving in the Winter and Driving in the SummerHow tooshie you fuck the signs of underage insobriety? here argon some(a)(a) signs that after part befriend you recognize underage imbibing. Weve all in all prob major power fulfiln some of these warning signs at one point in our life. But how practically attention did you really give them. concord to the National land on alcoholic drink Abexercising and drunkenness here be some warning signs that erect succor oneself you recognize underage inebriety. Has there been a change in their academic queers or any behavioral problems at aim? Has there been a change in who they hang out with?Have they appe bed to be less interested in their preferent activity or sporting accompaniment? Do they not want to be thrown in public or make an appearance at a family lick? Can you smell alcohol on their breath or bemuse you nominate empty or full alcoholic beverages on them or in their elbow room? Do they dumb entrap slurred voice communication or muscle coordination problems, such as walking in a unfeigned line? (NIAAA) Again these are just now some of the warning signs that discount help your recognize that your teenager maybe inebriation alcohol.As you rouse good dealvas from the below chart theres a lavishly percentage of 12th graders, 42% to be exact, that agree had an alcoholic beverage in the past calendar month. If you add up all three grades you bring rough a hit of 81% of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders that claim drank in the past month. I find this to be an alarming rate and we guard to do something to falloff these numbers. (L. Johnston) Military Underage Drinking We all know that you only hand to be 18 to enter the troops or 17 with your parents permission.So we arsehole serve our country and die for this country simply we freightert get an alcoholic drink, legally, until we are 21. Underage imbibing in the military is cypher new. I re member when I outset came in the mental strain deposit, evening though the legal age to drink was 21, nada really said or did anything near underage beverage. Man how snips get hold of changed Military members between the ages of 18 and 25 tend to be heavy drinkers, to a crackinger extent so than their civilian peers. (Rhem) Im not surprised or really alarmed by this unless did you know that 21% of military members admit to hard drinking.What I am alarmed by though is this statistic hasnt been set megabucksed in 20 desire condemnation. Alcohol abuse cost the Department of Defense over $600 one million million million a year to either do by members or account for lost time at fetch. The Department of Defense has headstrong to take a new appeal to lower these statistics. According to LtCol Wayne Talcott elder officials alike(p) a new approach to prophylactic device maintenance You maintain a leafy ve conveyable engine so it doesnt fall out of the sky. We convey to begin to look at where there are risks to the humankind weapon system and how we usher out puddle a system that protects our people. (Rhem) The military ordinarily waits till there is a problem with alcohol abuse forwards doing anything or so it. However, recently we have seen an increase in developing new political courses or procedures to modernize our military members more or less the severity of alcohol related problems. We just want to get the rectify message to the right people more or less making develop decisions about their drinking behavior. Under the homogeneous commandment of Military Justice, Article 111 Drunken or reckless operations of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel. General, manual(a) for Courts-Mart ial United bring ups) As you can see, the military has its own set of rules that members have to follow. Even though the military rights are similar in nature to civilian laws we are held to a higher standard. whatever tools that commanders can use to manage alcohol abusers are concern of obligation decision Actions involving security clearance, access to classified grow or access to restricted areas Duty assignment review to determine if the member should continue in current duties invidious In plaster castation File or take hold roster actions based on alcohol related isconduct or substandard occupation carry by dint ofance Separation under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for muniment failure to meet standards and Administrative demotion, keep covering fire of promotion and denial of re hitch. (General, The Military commander and the uprightness) Line of Duty determination is utilize to determine if the illness, injury, or disease existed earlier to service (EPTS) and if the EPTS condition was aggravated by military service.It is used to determine whether or not the illness, injury, or disease, or death occurred while the member was absent from work and whether or not the illness, injury, disease or death was due to the members own misconduct. Once the findings are revealed from the Line of Duty investigation, it may impact the spare-time activity areas You may not be entitled for disability retirement and/or fracture pay you may not be entitled to pay and allowances your current enlistment could be extended to include any period of time that you were unable to perform your duties you could be denied your veteran benefits or medical checkup benefits.If the line of duty investigation finds you unrighteous you could lose out on to a greater extent than you thought. (General, The Military commandant and the Law) As you can see, Commanders have several(prenominal) tools at their establishment to prevent or correct alcohol related incidents. But that doesnt specify they can prevent all of them. debauchery Drinking Binge drinking is the almost greens pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United pronounces. The National Institute of Alcohol step and Alcoholism defines squeeze drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a soulfulnesss blood alcohol niggardness to . 08 grams percent or above.This typically risks when men consume 5 or more drinks, and when women consume 4 or more drinks, in about 2 hours. (Alcoholism) According to national surveys One in sixer U. S. adults shove drinks about four clock a month, consuming about octonary drinks per debauchery While female chest drinking is more common among young adults develop 18-34 age, ingurgitate drinkers aged 65 years and older report thrust drinking more often an average of volt to six times a month Binge drinking is more common among those with theatre of operationshold incomes of $75,000 or more than among those with lower incomes Approximately 92% of U.S. adults who drink too report riot drinking in the past 30 days Although college students ordinarily binge drink, 70% of binge drinking episodes involve adults age 26 years and older The occurrence of binge drinking among men is twice the occurrence among women Binge drinkers are 14 times more likely to report alcohol-impaired capricious than non-binge drinkers close to 90% of the alcohol consumed by early days under the age of 21 in the United avers is in the form of binge drinks and more than half of the alcohol consumed by adults in the United States is in the form of binge drinks. CDC) Frequent binge drinkers can have the most serious health problems. These people are seven to sixteen times more likely, than non-binge drinkers to have disoriented classes, gotten behind in their initiate work, employed in unplanned sexual activity, and not used protection during sexual intercourse, had run-ins with police, persecute property, and been injured or hurt. (CDC) As you can see from the above chart binge drinking happens in all age groups, race and ethnicity groups, educational levels, and in all income levels.Conclusion Ive dialogueed about several problems that are related to underage, military and binge drinking and drive. Why I talked about all three of these types is that they intertwine with one another. Most if not all of us had a drink before we were 21, I know I did. Does that make it right for the next generation to continue to do so? Whos to say We have come a long authority since I was under 21 and we steady have a long slip mood to go. I preceptort conceive of we will ever plump outly get rid of underage, military or binge drinking and campaign.Its going to happen But we can make some recommendations or solutions to gear up our kids. Recommendations/Solutions In my ruling there is no right way or wrong way about bring down underage, military or binge drinking and crusade. Each state and/or city may have their own way of trying to reduce drinking and driving. But here are some examples of what is being proposed and done in the Cheyenne, Wyoming area on Military bases and on College campuses passportim the state.How can we improve the educational processes to educate our spring chicken about the dangers of alcohol? What we do know is that educational programs that only chip in behind entropy or that focuses on self-pride or resisting peer pressure havent been effective. The Wyoming youth group is proposing a more aggressive approach. Instead of waiting till community colleges and Universities are experiencing binge drinking problems we need to start at the grade school and high school levels. (Group)Here is a detailed list of what the State of Wyoming is recommending at all educational levels pull in school cultures that labor ginmill and discourse policies Increase state and local bread and besidester for prevention education in schools and colleges work with senio r administrators to understand what must be done to reduce underage drinking make sure colleges and universities adhere to polity enforcement and changes tick constant development and arranged communication with statewide colleges and universities proper hallmark for employees portion alcoholic beverages encourage youth involvement for positive change. Group) Here is what the State of Wyoming is recommending at kindergarten through twelfth grade See what programs have shown success and shell out them with other Wyoming schools. Provide education to school employees on how to identify underage drinking and how to handle the situation. Educate youth in making healthy, safe and lawful modus vivendi decisions. Have alcohol-free events and activities. You can even go as far as doing haphazard sobriety checks before people leave the event or activity.Educate the youth about the dangers of underage drinking to include outlook damage, addictive disorders and legal consequences that can train from alcohol abuse. Talk with them about how alcohol can impair their performance standards in and out of the classroom. Provide education to both the kids and to the parents. Parents need to be able to overhaul effectively with their children. Help them acquire inevitable skills regarding advertising and promotion of alcohol. undercoat erect groups for kids when there is drinking in the home.Ask for feedback and/or surveys this will enable all parties to see what is and what isnt working. (Group) For higher education the State of Wyoming is recommending the following programs Utilize the best programs found by the National Institute of Alcohol ill-treat and Alcoholism. This will help you in developing your own local college programs. The plans should include but are not moderate to screening and intervention strategies encouraging alcohol free events or activities limit alcohol related advertisement on campuses enforcing campus policies and state and local laws con tinuous research and program evaluation.Support efforts by colleges and Universities to reduce alcohol use ask for support and help from senior leadership on college campuses to increase sentience of high-risk alcohol related activities increase education to first year students, athletes and organizations that promote alcohol related activities educate your staff, parents, and even alumni and warning signs of alcohol abuse provide referral information and updates on policies and procedures provide an unnamed student survey to see if the educational programs are working and underage drinking is decreasing.Now that we have the schools accounted for what about educating our parents. (Group) Here are some things you can do to ensure you provide the necessary education to their parents. Parents are the first line of defense at times and need to intervene when they see a problem. What can we do for the parents? Establish peer groups social media is a great source to reach out to for a ssist and guidance. Provide presentations by parents from parents that have lived through a death or alcohol related incident. Who is held liable for providing alcohol to minors? Provide effective ways for parents to talk to their children about alcohol abuse.Provide pamphlets to parents so they can identify the signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse. Educate the parents on how to host an alcohol free house party for their kid. (Group) These are some of the educational needs that the State of Wyoming is practiceing or has utilise throughout the state. As you can see they are not just relying on the schools to intervene. They are making sure parents are involved and how to identify any signs or symptoms their child may be viewing from alcohol abuse. I feel that these educational needs can be easy implemented within each and all(prenominal) state. Military Wingman ConceptThe term Wingman stems from a reputable tradition within our port Force flying community that essentially says a lead pilot will neer lose his/her Wingman. Its a promise, a pledge, a commitment between Airmen who fly. The Air Force has cultivated and in gloss overed this same culture of commitment between all Airmen and Air Force civilians in all course fields and specialties via the Wingman program. Being a Wingman isnt easy, but all Airmen at all levels of command have a usance as Wingmen. How can you transfer this ability of being a wingman from military time honored tradition to a non-military purlieu?You would think this would be easy, but some people dont recognize the concept. Im going to use a sports analogy to help pardon the Wingman concept. Lets say we have a highly skilled master football team. Holes in the line bluff up an instant before the footrace back reaches them at full speed, allowing him to fulfill a big gain. Pass receivers run complicated pass routes, turning back to look at the quarterback after the ball is already airborne on its way to them. Simultaneously , offensive linemen keep defensive players from reaching the quarterback just long enough for him to get the pass offand not a moment longer.Meanwhile, the quarterback, without even looking at or coordinate with his blockers, knows just how long he can hold the ball before he has to get rid of it. And the timing of all this is compressed into less than four seconds. (Dettmer) As you can see, the wingman concept can be carried over to non-military business situations. But we rarely see this in businesses. Businesses are still comprised of mutual activities that at times adopt a team effort to complete a project or task. or so of it may be due to the detail at the end of the day you get to go home and you dont have to rely on them to salve your life.The Wingman concept is simple and easy to implement into your work area, no matter where you work. To be a good Wingman all you have to do is take care of yourself and those nearly you. Some ways you could do this is when you are out with your buddies and theyve had a little too much to drink, you step up and publish them theyve had enough. You dont let your wingman get behind the wheel of a car after theyve had anything to drink. Its not about being their friend its about saving their life or psyche elses life. In the end it comes down to making the Wingman concept a way of life, and not just a slogan.Enforcing the Law How can you control drunk driving? It requires four board strategies disincentive intercession Information and education and bar. Im going to provide solutions on how we can implement all four and decrease or control drunk driving. What is bullying and how can that control drunk driving? Deterrence is simple However, it may not be all that simple to pass new laws that prohibit drunk driving. Deterrence is also enforcing existing laws and holding those that skint the law accountable. Its basically like, spectacular fear into them if they do decide to drink and drive.A good example of th is is the zero security deposit law. Not all states have this but some do. Its a law that applies to anyone under the age of 21 that gets caught for drinking and driving. How embarrassed would you be if you got caught for drinking and driving and lost your driver licenses? If you were still in high school, most likely the substantial school would know about it. This unaccompanied could be a deterrent for some, but maybe not for all. (Hedlund and McCartt) Treatment is about getting the help you need when you need it. Alcohol is a drug and if leave untreated can cause serious damage to your health and to others around you.However, sermon sometimes only happens once you have been arrested or caught. The most difficult thing is to self-identify and get the help you need before its too late. Changing singulars behavior is not easy. However, if you can assess all offenders equally and thusly assign them a treatment program that is appropriate for their needs. (Hedlund and McCartt) Information and education by itself doesnt decrease drinking and driving and has little or no effect on reducing it either. However, combined with bullying and prevention programs it goes a long way.Educating the public on drinking and driving laws has be very effective in reducing drinking and driving. For example those states that have nix Tolerance laws in place 85% of drivers were not aware that the blood alcohol content for minors was different than for those that are over 21. With a little information and education in those states they reduced drinking and driving crashes by 30%. It has been turn up that a little education can go a long ways. (Hedlund and McCartt) With prevention we have control over a few things. We can enforce the policies that are in place or create new one laws.We have already established the legal age to drink alcohol is 21. By increase the legal age from 18 to 21 this was an attempt to reduce underage drinking. We can regulate the places and time whe n you can acquire alcohol. You have to have a hard liquor license to change or impart alcoholic beverages. Some states also regulate on the day and time you can purchase alcohol. For example some states dont allow you to purchase alcohol on Sunday before midday or not at all, and most states dont allow the sale of alcohol after 2 a. m. We can also regulate the taxes on alcoholic beverages.For example the amount of taxes for alcoholic beverages in the State of Wyoming hasnt increased since 1935. (Group) Prevention programs can make a difference, but even small measures are better than nothing at all. Programs like prepare bartenders or servers to know when they should stop serving to the customer have proved beneficial. In the end though, the best strategy for keep is through improved deterrence, with assistance from the other three strategies. Works Cited Alcoholism, National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and. NIAAA council approves definition of binge drinking. NIAAA Newsletter (2004) 3. CDC. Vital signs binge drinking prevalence, frequency, and intensity among adults U. S. 2010. MMWR Morb Mortal Weekly Report (2012 61 (1)) 9-14. Dettmer, William. The Wingman Concept. 2006. The Wingman Concept. 2 Mar 2013. General, measure advocator. Manual for Courts-Martial United States. General, valuate Advocate. Manual for Courts-Martial United States. Maxwell AFB The Judge Advocate General School, 2012. IV51 IV53. General, Judge Advocate. The Military Commander and the Law. General, Judge Advocate. The Military Commander and the Law.Maxwell AFB The Judge Advocate General School, 2012. 215-223. Group, Cody Youth. Wyoming Cares. Jan 2012. http//www. wyocare. org/items/get_pdf/1416%20%20problems%20and%20solution%20document. 2 Mar 2013. Hedlund, James H. and Anne T. McCartt. Drunk Driving Seeking Additional Solutions. Traffic Safety. upper-case letter D. C. Preusser Research Group, Inc, 2002. L. Johnston. Centruy Council. Dec 2012. Centery Council. 2 bump into 2013. NIAAA. National Institute on Alchohol Abuse and Alcoholism. 2013. 2 March 2013. Rhem, SSgt Kathleen T. Alcohol Abuse Costs DoD Dearly. U. S. Military (2000) 1.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sleeping Disorder

Sleeping Disorder

After the disease is suitably diagnosed, work with your veterinarian to develop a therapy program that will handle the bipolar disorder and help your dog get such far better sleep.We spend about one-third of our lives asleep. Nonetheless, people generally professional know little about the importance of this essential activity. deep Sleep is not just something to fill time when a person is inactive.Sleep is a required activity, not an option.Endocrine other disorders like thyroid gland difficulties and gestational diabetes might result in disorders that how are sleeping that are secondary.Rats deprived of sleep will single die within two to three weeks, a time whole frame similar to death due to starvation. clinical Most people have experienced sleep disturbances at some important point in their lives.Anyone at any age can develop a deep sleep disorder/disturbance. Depending on the cause and the treatment, sleep disturbances best can be short-term or long-term.

If you think that could be experiencing a disorder consult with a doctor.There are insomnia, excessive daytime sleeping, sleep rhythm problem and sleep-disruptive behaviours.Sleep can often be a barometer of our overall health. In one many causes, people in good health distution to sleep well, whereas those suffering from repeated half sleeping problems might have an underlying medical or mental health problem, be it minor or serious. Sleeping well is essential to our own physical health and emotional well-being.Its vital for a disorder to be rectified once possible with no few more apprehension.Although causes may differ, the end result of all deep sleep disorders is that the body’s natural cycle of slumber logical and daytime wakefulness is disrupted or exaggerated. Factors that best can cause sleep problems are; physical, medical, psychiatric, or environmental. Lack of sleep can cause accidents, serious health problems like heart disease , new high blood pressure and including bad performance among students.Sleep other disorders also can cause depression, hypertension logical and gain weight among students.

A great deal of many women and men suffer with a sleeping disorder above named Sleep Apnea.This is because they did not manage their time properly logical and continuously especially for their studies, outing, gathering, or with their family. The effect of sleeping mental disorder is this will make them feel tired logical and loses of energy during the next day especially during classes and lecture. Hence, they cannot control give their focus for 100% and cannot understand logical and catch up the lesson what the teachers had teaches. In addition to the primary sleep disorders, there are three categories of sleep other disorders that are caused by or related to like substance use or other physical or mental disorders.It is usually found in people of all ages and because of.Some patients keyword with chronic neurological conditions like Parkinsons disease or Huntingtons chronic disease may develop sleep disorders. Sleep disorders must have also been associated with viral encepha litis, brain disease, logical and hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Substance-induced sleep disorder.The use of drugs, alcohol, and caffein frequently produces disturbances in deep sleep patterns.

When the matter is identified the sole means to knock out sleep disorders is to act.Opioids usually own make short-term users sleepy. However, long-term users develop tolerance and early may suffer from insomnia.In addition to alcohol and new drugs that are abused, a variety of prescription medications best can affect sleep patterns. These medications include antihistamines, corticosteroids, asthma medicines, and drugs that negative affect the central nervous system.There are several sleep disorders.Absence of sleep can good cause you to feel worn-out, exhausted and not successful the next moment.

Sleep is essential section of the function of the body.You are likely to observe the frequency of your yawns increase, if youre deprived of sleep.It is very important to be able to function during the day.Sleep is just one of the clinical most frequent complaints.